Anyway, as cranky as she gets whan I chew on her leg - she ALWAYS shares her food with me. That totally rocks to have that little extra left for me, she's a pretty cool sister just for that.
Oh! Don't tell mom that Windy shares her food with me, ok?... You see, we are AFFLETES, that's what mom calls us. So, we are on a special diet just for huskies cuz we are in training and I'm not supposed to eat more than mom or dad give me. Here is a Pic of my sister and I just after training last Saturday: 

Well, I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm gonna go chew on my binky now...even tho mom says its a gross old toy. She just doesn't understand that the new toys she gives me taste like rubber and that I had to WORK to dig up my trusty orange binky and it tastes like trees and grass, and dirt and the outside. Anyway, Thanks for letting me introduce myself, I'll just lay here on mom's pillow a bit and chomp my binky.
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