Saturday, November 13, 2010
Racing Season Begins
WAAAHHHOOOOO! The Season is here! While all our friends are whining that the Rally and Herding seasons are over and they'll be locked inside all winter, Windy and I are putting our harnesses on and digging in for a great set of runs this winter. Mom and Dad are drumming up interest in the two dryland races we have and checking out new trails for us to run.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hank Goes Away
I am sorry to report that Hank and Daemon did not get along, and Arctic Breeds Rescue was kind enough to take him back as a foster. Hank and Daemon's mild seperation anxiety and food guarding were exacerbated in each other's insecurities. There was a scuffle and and ER visit, but I'm happy to report all are just fine. Daemon and Hank are now both under going some re-training in seperate locations. Additionally, in D's case he is a spoiled brat and getting a 'de-punking' - as in he has to earn everything, his toy, his treats, his fetch time, his place on the bed, etc. D is a fairly obedient dog - and an exceptionally well behaved Sibe so he has gotten away with quite a bit the past 6 months, and I have to say I have enjoyed being lazy with him and Windy. However...that's over and time for everyone to get back to work and earn our keep! After that...we will look at fostering again.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Meet Hank (aka Penske)
Meet Penske/Hank:
He's a very happy lovey boy:
He and Daemon have a similar size and gait - I think they will run well together. More to come on that later :)
Hank (aka Penske)
We have a new foster - Penske - aka Hank (that's what Brad calls him, and he answers pretty well to it, P or Penske make him cringe and run so we re-dubbed him.) He's a lanky sweet happy Alaskan Husky of about 5-6 years. Unfortunately, he's been starved into some bad habits - like counter cruising, dumpster diving and food guarding (not against people thankfully!) We are working on getting him a bath today and getting a picture, so we can track his progress.
He's a very pretty guy and you can see a picture of him as a pup here:
He's a very pretty guy and you can see a picture of him as a pup here:
Friday, September 3, 2010
Summer...It's been nice! Part II
OK Like I said - I am ready to get back to Training. We got a taste of it at the Davis County Fair a couple of weeks ago. The BEST part was it was MUDDY from rain the day before. We got to pull Dad all over the Fair letting everyone know about classes at our training club, and learning to SIT when people pet us.
After our runs, Mom and Dad took us over some of the Agility toys, and then through the park. We went up to another toy that looked a lot like the Agility A-frame, and since I had just done it - I knew just what to do! I charged right up it and .... over....and INTO THE BIGGEST POOL I HAD EVER SEEN! I Paniked and jumped right out over the side! NOT FUNNY DAD! I was wet all over...eeeww!
So it turns out this was the training pool for Splash Dogs (Dock Jumping - ) and Dad was just trying to cool me off. But apperently Retrievers chase their toys into the water - FOR FUN! They must be crazy! I wasn't going anywhere near any more "pools." - though mom has promised she'll take me to the lake and teach me to swim properly.
The next day we did more of the urban-mushing demos and then (to make up for the dunking) Dad took me to do the COOLEST THING EVER!!!!!!! Lure coursing.
No, no, you heard me right - lure coursing - the stuff they do with Jack Russels and other small rat terriers. But the group that does it here sets it up like an Agility course with a foxtail that we chase around the course. MAN OH MAN I WANT THAT FOXTAIL! GOTTA GET IT GOTTA GET IT! I took off and 18 seconds later I was done - I didn't even miss a tunnel! Wow was that fun! Can't wait to go again! I'd post a picture, but the video is SO much more interesting. Check it out here:
After our runs, Mom and Dad took us over some of the Agility toys, and then through the park. We went up to another toy that looked a lot like the Agility A-frame, and since I had just done it - I knew just what to do! I charged right up it and .... over....and INTO THE BIGGEST POOL I HAD EVER SEEN! I Paniked and jumped right out over the side! NOT FUNNY DAD! I was wet all over...eeeww!
So it turns out this was the training pool for Splash Dogs (Dock Jumping - ) and Dad was just trying to cool me off. But apperently Retrievers chase their toys into the water - FOR FUN! They must be crazy! I wasn't going anywhere near any more "pools." - though mom has promised she'll take me to the lake and teach me to swim properly.
The next day we did more of the urban-mushing demos and then (to make up for the dunking) Dad took me to do the COOLEST THING EVER!!!!!!! Lure coursing.
No, no, you heard me right - lure coursing - the stuff they do with Jack Russels and other small rat terriers. But the group that does it here sets it up like an Agility course with a foxtail that we chase around the course. MAN OH MAN I WANT THAT FOXTAIL! GOTTA GET IT GOTTA GET IT! I took off and 18 seconds later I was done - I didn't even miss a tunnel! Wow was that fun! Can't wait to go again! I'd post a picture, but the video is SO much more interesting. Check it out here:'s been nice.
So Windy and I have had a LOVELY Summer off from running and training. It's been nice. Actually, we haven't been bored. We have been Babysitting! We have had our 'cousin' Stitches over about once a week all summer, and we also had our very young (but not small) friend Misty come over for a few weeks to learn to play.
At first Misty was very unsure of playing with Me and Windy but after just 3 weeks she was happy to come play at our house and graduated from her "confidence" course.
This is Misty, in her favorite place - her porch.
Stiches is our cousin, she is a year old Pitt-bull that is petite and sweet as a button. Except when she steals my TOYS and puts them under the bed, where I can't reach them. I'm sure she will continue to come play with us regularly.
Although Stitch is a Pit-Bull she bears a striking resemblence to her cousin Windy:
Windy is in the background, Stitch snuggled up in the foreground - Don't they just LOOK like cousins!?!
As for me, I'm happy to be getting back to my training.
At first Misty was very unsure of playing with Me and Windy but after just 3 weeks she was happy to come play at our house and graduated from her "confidence" course.
This is Misty, in her favorite place - her porch.
Stiches is our cousin, she is a year old Pitt-bull that is petite and sweet as a button. Except when she steals my TOYS and puts them under the bed, where I can't reach them. I'm sure she will continue to come play with us regularly.
Although Stitch is a Pit-Bull she bears a striking resemblence to her cousin Windy:
As for me, I'm happy to be getting back to my training.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Siberian Retriever
So, Daemon has always been a bit "off" as far as Siberian Huskies go. You see, Huskies as a rule do not fetch, retrieve, or recall (come when called) on demand; no husky is safe off leash EVER. This is just the way of having a working dog that RUNS for a living, and one I am totally comfortable with after 20 years of Siberians.
My first husky, Lakota was reliable off leash as long as we were in the front yard. He would sit on the front porch and wait for me to come home from school. However, if Lake realized that for some reason he had left the front yard - usually after chasing a bicycle - well, then he was gone for days at a time. Deep down Lake was a typical prey driven, wandering husky. And I learned a lot from him.
Windy, my current female - has the record for "most consecutive days escaped" - something like 270 days in a row and has rarely been allowed off leash in a public place, unless controlled by her "good girl" electric collar - a tool I would not have considered using on a dog for any reason until Windy exhausted my rather extensive training knowledge - and I learned how to use it positively so that Windy actually LIKES her e-collar. Windy loves squeaky toys and loves to rip any toy or small animal that ventures into the yard to shreds. Windy is the quintessential hard-headed hard-to-train Siberian Husky. And She would NEVER deign to fetch a toy! The upside to having a dog this difficult to contain is my yard is now Fort Knox and I can take in fosters with some of the worst escape or prey habits and can retrain them.
So, back to Daemon being "off" - when he came to us his name was Buddy and if I had waited to get to know him a little more before we redubbed him D - I would have noticed how fitting Buddy was for him. Daemon...well...He's what we call a "siberian retriever" - he's never far from Brad or I (he truly is a "buddy"), has a reliable off leash recall, he is instantly obedient and plays fetch endlessly. He comes out to the front yard with us when we are visiting neighbors. If I had had him as a first sibe, after a childhood full of Labradors, I would have expected all sibes to be as easy to train as he is. I can't even imagine- or explain - the disaster that would have been! But as one in what will be a lifetime of Sibes, I know he's one in a million - and I will probably never be lucky enough to have one like him. He breaks all the rules of being a Siberian - but at least he breaks the rules, and that makes him all Sibe. :)
My first husky, Lakota was reliable off leash as long as we were in the front yard. He would sit on the front porch and wait for me to come home from school. However, if Lake realized that for some reason he had left the front yard - usually after chasing a bicycle - well, then he was gone for days at a time. Deep down Lake was a typical prey driven, wandering husky. And I learned a lot from him.
Windy, my current female - has the record for "most consecutive days escaped" - something like 270 days in a row and has rarely been allowed off leash in a public place, unless controlled by her "good girl" electric collar - a tool I would not have considered using on a dog for any reason until Windy exhausted my rather extensive training knowledge - and I learned how to use it positively so that Windy actually LIKES her e-collar. Windy loves squeaky toys and loves to rip any toy or small animal that ventures into the yard to shreds. Windy is the quintessential hard-headed hard-to-train Siberian Husky. And She would NEVER deign to fetch a toy! The upside to having a dog this difficult to contain is my yard is now Fort Knox and I can take in fosters with some of the worst escape or prey habits and can retrain them.
So, back to Daemon being "off" - when he came to us his name was Buddy and if I had waited to get to know him a little more before we redubbed him D - I would have noticed how fitting Buddy was for him. Daemon...well...He's what we call a "siberian retriever" - he's never far from Brad or I (he truly is a "buddy"), has a reliable off leash recall, he is instantly obedient and plays fetch endlessly. He comes out to the front yard with us when we are visiting neighbors. If I had had him as a first sibe, after a childhood full of Labradors, I would have expected all sibes to be as easy to train as he is. I can't even imagine- or explain - the disaster that would have been! But as one in what will be a lifetime of Sibes, I know he's one in a million - and I will probably never be lucky enough to have one like him. He breaks all the rules of being a Siberian - but at least he breaks the rules, and that makes him all Sibe. :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Form, Fit, Function - the total package!
I read this quote on Karen Ramstead's North Wapati Kennels Website/blog. (aka "The Pretty Sleddogs" from the Iditarod) I tried to find an author for it but all the quotes say author unknown:
I have had Siberians for going on 15 years. I love that I can love and trust my dogs with my life and they return the favor. But until Brad got Daemon, (aka: Buddy, Chewbacca, PAW, Zorro) I did not understand the incredible POWER of these SMALL dogs and the patience and care that must go into proper breeding of a dog to keep it's performance at the level that their work requires. I am no stranger to training dogs, and the effort required to train a Northern Breed in obedience, house manners as well as their 'chosen profession.'
But, I am baffled by the breeding process and have no desire to try to learn it. It's amazing that someone can see that this fearless little ball of fluff will turn into this Sweet Strong Handsome Gentleman:
Daemon: 8 weeks
However, I am completely thankful and awed by the responsible caring Siberian breeders that I know and rely on to keep the future of these dogs sound. To Jane at Lobolair for allowing us to parent the most amazing Siberian I've ever known - Daemon/Buddy - even if he does fetch (off leash!) :) To Of the Midnight Sun and Kczar for keeping the Monadanock strength going. For Kaylenberg for answering all my questions and keeping all three Siberian lines going (Show, Seppala Sleddog, and Racing). And of Course to North Wapati for being my newest source of information and Sibe comedy on your blog.
Here are a few more showing Daemon's size and strength -
Compared to an Average sized Alaskan Husky - and Dad - D alone pulls him at an average 6-8mph on the scooter for short runs and 4-6mph for longer runs. I weigh under a buck 50 and D pulls me at close to 10mph! One Dog!!!
Pedigree indicates what the animal should be.
Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be.
But, performance indicates what the animal actually is.
I have had Siberians for going on 15 years. I love that I can love and trust my dogs with my life and they return the favor. But until Brad got Daemon, (aka: Buddy, Chewbacca, PAW, Zorro) I did not understand the incredible POWER of these SMALL dogs and the patience and care that must go into proper breeding of a dog to keep it's performance at the level that their work requires. I am no stranger to training dogs, and the effort required to train a Northern Breed in obedience, house manners as well as their 'chosen profession.'
But, I am baffled by the breeding process and have no desire to try to learn it. It's amazing that someone can see that this fearless little ball of fluff will turn into this Sweet Strong Handsome Gentleman:
Daemon: 8 weeks
7 months
18 months - full grown 56 lbs/23.5 height
However, I am completely thankful and awed by the responsible caring Siberian breeders that I know and rely on to keep the future of these dogs sound. To Jane at Lobolair for allowing us to parent the most amazing Siberian I've ever known - Daemon/Buddy - even if he does fetch (off leash!) :) To Of the Midnight Sun and Kczar for keeping the Monadanock strength going. For Kaylenberg for answering all my questions and keeping all three Siberian lines going (Show, Seppala Sleddog, and Racing). And of Course to North Wapati for being my newest source of information and Sibe comedy on your blog.
Here are a few more showing Daemon's size and strength -
Compared to an Average sized Alaskan Husky - and Dad - D alone pulls him at an average 6-8mph on the scooter for short runs and 4-6mph for longer runs. I weigh under a buck 50 and D pulls me at close to 10mph! One Dog!!!
Compared to Windy - an average sized but somewhat lanky female. D's tailbase is above her back. Oh! and check out the size of his hamstrings! As soon as I get a video of his powerful lope I'll post it!
Here is one of him after he pulled me and Windy over 6 miles. On runs where Brad would take all three dogs out with D in lead - he will pull everyone at his pace for as long as u leave him in lead - Brad, the scooter, Windy and Os together weigh about 350 lbs. 350lbs moving 10 -12mph (3 dog power) - makes us awfully thankful for good brakes too!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Osmar Goes Home
If you noticed there were no Osmar Pics in the last Blog.
Last week he found a forever home in Ketchum, ID. Keep chill Os we love you.
And if you visit Sun Valley, stop by the pet shop and give him a head rub.
Last week he found a forever home in Ketchum, ID. Keep chill Os we love you.
And if you visit Sun Valley, stop by the pet shop and give him a head rub.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Paw Powered Camping
Here is a photo tour of My First Camping Trip.
We went to East Canyon State Park this weekend for my first camping trip:
Our Spot was really nice:
There was a creek and plenty of room for all the dogs.
Dad went Fishing, and Mom made the bed in the car. They made me sleep in the front seat. I was not impressed. My usual spot is between mom and dad but dad kept telling me there wasn't enough room. So I sat backwards in the chair and laid my head between the headrest and the door so, at least I could watch out the back window for boogie monsters.
Then, Windy and I just hung out while Dad made a Fire. Here is one of Dad and mom together at Dinner time.
The next morning Mom took us Bikejoring, while Dad made Breakfast Burritos. You can see how good we dig in and line out. We got to Run with our friends Kali and Koda.

We got REALLY bored being tied to a fence, so Windy taught me how to chase mice in the field. First she showed me how to scout the mouses. Then to chase it into it's tunnel and how to Dig up the tunnel and get the mices. We had great fun and the people had a laugh or two when they were watching us. We dug about 6 holes before mom said "that's enough" and moved us to the car. Then she filled in the holes with what dirt we could find, though most of it was on us, as you can see from my picture at the top and Windy's below.
Finally, we were tired:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Keepin' up
Hi Ya'll!
Things around our house have been very busy lately...Urban Mushing Class, and Rally class and running and running whenever we can convince (either with puppy dog eyes or traditional husky yowling) mom and/or dad to go scootering with us. Even though they are busy with their New Business or Graduating from School, or Being Sick (which mom is a lot lately) they always make time to take us running.
Now that spring is here we go out for a long run at least once a week as long as it's not pouring rain like it has been for weeks! We went out with Dad on Monday and he had a surprise for us - a new line for all three of us mutts to run and have a real lead. Windy, Os and I all took a turn in front. It was fun with Os in front - Like a real Team. Then it was Windy's turn and she's so little that Os and I just scooped her up and pushed her along. Then it was MY turn. I was so excited I just took off and drug everyone along with me. Os and Windy didn't even have to pull, I'm big enough to pull both of them, dad and the scooter all by myself! It was a fun fun run! (Jane - Yes he's the biggest of the 3 dogs by far, 58 lbs now! He's 23.5 in at the withers and 27 in long. He is JJ from ears to toes, but from the ears forward he is all Abby ;), he's got 10 lbs on Os and 20 on Windy. Daemon may be big but he's got tons of endurance.)
We are training in Rally - Me with Dad and Windy Loo with Mom. We are doing really well and hope to start competing by the end of the summer. Mom thinks Rally is Obedience for Sibes, cuz we never know whats coming next and it keeps us interested. Mostly though, I get liver treats and dehydrated peaches so, it really doesn't matter what's next ;). We are also being the Demo Dogs for mom and dad's second Urban Mushing Class and now have other dogs to run and scooter with. It's really exciting to be the lead on a trail with 4 scooters and 6 other dogs behind you. We get a lot of stare's and "that's so awesome's" but nothing beats the freedom to RUN!
Our Foster brother Osmar is still here with us and Mom is still looking for a forever home for him, though he fits in just fine here. He doesn't try to eat my food or play with my toys so I figure he's a pretty good guy. He is way mellow and just hangs out in the yard watching kids and birds most of the day with Windy, while I guard the stairs for mom and dad to come home. I guess we all have our jobs.
Things around our house have been very busy lately...Urban Mushing Class, and Rally class and running and running whenever we can convince (either with puppy dog eyes or traditional husky yowling) mom and/or dad to go scootering with us. Even though they are busy with their New Business or Graduating from School, or Being Sick (which mom is a lot lately) they always make time to take us running.
Now that spring is here we go out for a long run at least once a week as long as it's not pouring rain like it has been for weeks! We went out with Dad on Monday and he had a surprise for us - a new line for all three of us mutts to run and have a real lead. Windy, Os and I all took a turn in front. It was fun with Os in front - Like a real Team. Then it was Windy's turn and she's so little that Os and I just scooped her up and pushed her along. Then it was MY turn. I was so excited I just took off and drug everyone along with me. Os and Windy didn't even have to pull, I'm big enough to pull both of them, dad and the scooter all by myself! It was a fun fun run! (Jane - Yes he's the biggest of the 3 dogs by far, 58 lbs now! He's 23.5 in at the withers and 27 in long. He is JJ from ears to toes, but from the ears forward he is all Abby ;), he's got 10 lbs on Os and 20 on Windy. Daemon may be big but he's got tons of endurance.)
We are training in Rally - Me with Dad and Windy Loo with Mom. We are doing really well and hope to start competing by the end of the summer. Mom thinks Rally is Obedience for Sibes, cuz we never know whats coming next and it keeps us interested. Mostly though, I get liver treats and dehydrated peaches so, it really doesn't matter what's next ;). We are also being the Demo Dogs for mom and dad's second Urban Mushing Class and now have other dogs to run and scooter with. It's really exciting to be the lead on a trail with 4 scooters and 6 other dogs behind you. We get a lot of stare's and "that's so awesome's" but nothing beats the freedom to RUN!
Our Foster brother Osmar is still here with us and Mom is still looking for a forever home for him, though he fits in just fine here. He doesn't try to eat my food or play with my toys so I figure he's a pretty good guy. He is way mellow and just hangs out in the yard watching kids and birds most of the day with Windy, while I guard the stairs for mom and dad to come home. I guess we all have our jobs.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Catching up
Hi y'all!
Sorry I haven't written in so long but Mom and Dad have been busy on the computers the past few weeks, and I haven't been able to sneek on one to update you. Mom is busy with her FINAL EXAM...which sounds horrible, worse than going to the Vet! Hope I never have to have one. Dad's stuff is more interesting, it involves typing in all his recipes for his catering business. I like it when dad cooks, there's always lots of snacks and goodies and extra bones for us pups. Mmmm, I love dad's BBQ!
Other than that, we have been doing our regular running, and have a new foster buddy living here at the house. His name is Osmar (Os) and you can read about him here - - Os is a really cool guy, he plays with me even tho he is older than Windy. He is super gentle and he never growls at me, even when I act like a puppy sometimes. The best part is, he is training me how to run like a REAL sled dog. Os has run on big teams in long races, and you'd never even know it cuz he's just an easy going kind of guy.
The first time Os, Windy and I went out pulling mom and dad on the scooters, I was paired with Os pulling Dad and Windy pulled Mom. Os is an easy pulling partner, since he's about my same size and pace, and I don't have to pull him along like I do Windy-snooze-butt. As we started up the hill, I glanced back and Windy was right on our tails! I was shocked, but I knew she would fade soon and settle into her usual smell-the-roses trot. Then, Dad, Os and I could tear up the trails by ourselves. Or so I thought! 4 miles later, she not only was still right on our tails, but she passed us! The two big sled dogs, got passed up on the last few turns by one tiny fiery red head! Man'o'man that little girl takes after her mom!
The next time we went out, all 3 of us pulled Dad. Windy pulled her weight and we all flew down all the trails, and dad didn't have to help on the hills at all. It was awesome...right up until Windy stopped to poop, and we all got tangled.
Here is a picture of Me (closest), Windy and Os (farside) pulling Mom and Dad on snowshoes.
Sorry I haven't written in so long but Mom and Dad have been busy on the computers the past few weeks, and I haven't been able to sneek on one to update you. Mom is busy with her FINAL EXAM...which sounds horrible, worse than going to the Vet! Hope I never have to have one. Dad's stuff is more interesting, it involves typing in all his recipes for his catering business. I like it when dad cooks, there's always lots of snacks and goodies and extra bones for us pups. Mmmm, I love dad's BBQ!
Other than that, we have been doing our regular running, and have a new foster buddy living here at the house. His name is Osmar (Os) and you can read about him here - - Os is a really cool guy, he plays with me even tho he is older than Windy. He is super gentle and he never growls at me, even when I act like a puppy sometimes. The best part is, he is training me how to run like a REAL sled dog. Os has run on big teams in long races, and you'd never even know it cuz he's just an easy going kind of guy.
The first time Os, Windy and I went out pulling mom and dad on the scooters, I was paired with Os pulling Dad and Windy pulled Mom. Os is an easy pulling partner, since he's about my same size and pace, and I don't have to pull him along like I do Windy-snooze-butt. As we started up the hill, I glanced back and Windy was right on our tails! I was shocked, but I knew she would fade soon and settle into her usual smell-the-roses trot. Then, Dad, Os and I could tear up the trails by ourselves. Or so I thought! 4 miles later, she not only was still right on our tails, but she passed us! The two big sled dogs, got passed up on the last few turns by one tiny fiery red head! Man'o'man that little girl takes after her mom!
The next time we went out, all 3 of us pulled Dad. Windy pulled her weight and we all flew down all the trails, and dad didn't have to help on the hills at all. It was awesome...right up until Windy stopped to poop, and we all got tangled.
Here is a picture of Me (closest), Windy and Os (farside) pulling Mom and Dad on snowshoes.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
New Furrrrends
Spring is here in Utah, so that means on weekends we get to go snowshoeing in the mountains on Saturday and scootering at Fort Buenaventura on Sundays. It should be this way till Summer comes along in May.
Anyway, we went out for our regular scootering activities today and got a surprise - a new friend to pull with. Sully is an All-American (Lab Aussie mix) about my size (55lbs or so). He and his mom Meredith train us at our obedience/agility club. This time, Windy and I got to do the training! Sully was attached to a scooter with Windy and Meredith rode with them. Dad and I took off down the trail and got Sully running. Windy taught him how to dig in with his hind legs and lean into his harness. (mom followed behind on foot) It didn't take long, the usual false start or two and we were OFF! It was fun for everybody cuz Windy had help and I got to run and run and run.
When we stopped and dad was putting a scooter away, a friendly little Pug came by and hopped right up on the footboard and gave dad a kiss hello. I think she wanted to go for a ride.
Anyway, we went out for our regular scootering activities today and got a surprise - a new friend to pull with. Sully is an All-American (Lab Aussie mix) about my size (55lbs or so). He and his mom Meredith train us at our obedience/agility club. This time, Windy and I got to do the training! Sully was attached to a scooter with Windy and Meredith rode with them. Dad and I took off down the trail and got Sully running. Windy taught him how to dig in with his hind legs and lean into his harness. (mom followed behind on foot) It didn't take long, the usual false start or two and we were OFF! It was fun for everybody cuz Windy had help and I got to run and run and run.
When we stopped and dad was putting a scooter away, a friendly little Pug came by and hopped right up on the footboard and gave dad a kiss hello. I think she wanted to go for a ride.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Snow Dog
Mom n' Dad have been taking me to Pull class for the past 8 weeks and training me specifically for pulling and mushing. Mom was the main instructor and Dad helped a lot. Windy got to be the Demo Dog and she did a good job. Mostly I was there to learn, but I also got to help some of the other dogs learn to pull too. There was one sweet little cow dog that came in just shaking in his boots at the beginning, and by the end he was pulling like crazy...Windy would disagree, but some dogs just need a job to find their inner dog.
This last weekend Mom took us to Snow Basin for some snowshoeing, and the Malamute from our class, Spirit met us up there. Mom and everyone got started down the hill and at first I was having too much fun playing in the snow piles and chasing Windy to do much pulling so I hadn't noticed that Mom's clips weren't closed tight.
When mom finally got us in line and we really started pulling her, her clip popped right open...and Windy and I were first I didn't know what to do, I was running,...but I wasn't felt wierd. But after a few seconds it clicked that I was on a trail and I was RUNNING so I just kept on running faster. Windy was right behind me cuz we had our lead on still. We followed the trail and kept right on running until we weren't on the trail anymore, but by this time there were lots of people around and all of them had skis, and we said HI! to as many as we could. One very nice man checked Windy's collar and called mom. I could hear her, but I didn't know she got lost. I wonder when that happened? Any way the nice man said mom was coming to get us and then - he TIED US TO A FENCE! That wasn't very nice. But I figured we'd just hang out and watch the kids learn to ski, till mom gets unlost. (meanwhile mom had been tracking the dogs along the trail back to the main lodge, and thankfully still had cell coverage!)
This last weekend Mom took us to Snow Basin for some snowshoeing, and the Malamute from our class, Spirit met us up there. Mom and everyone got started down the hill and at first I was having too much fun playing in the snow piles and chasing Windy to do much pulling so I hadn't noticed that Mom's clips weren't closed tight.
When mom finally got us in line and we really started pulling her, her clip popped right open...and Windy and I were first I didn't know what to do, I was running,...but I wasn't felt wierd. But after a few seconds it clicked that I was on a trail and I was RUNNING so I just kept on running faster. Windy was right behind me cuz we had our lead on still. We followed the trail and kept right on running until we weren't on the trail anymore, but by this time there were lots of people around and all of them had skis, and we said HI! to as many as we could. One very nice man checked Windy's collar and called mom. I could hear her, but I didn't know she got lost. I wonder when that happened? Any way the nice man said mom was coming to get us and then - he TIED US TO A FENCE! That wasn't very nice. But I figured we'd just hang out and watch the kids learn to ski, till mom gets unlost. (meanwhile mom had been tracking the dogs along the trail back to the main lodge, and thankfully still had cell coverage!)
Mom FINALLY showed up and untied us from that fence. For some reason, she seemed relieved. She must have been really scared when she was lost. But she told US that WE were the lucky ones - she told me we could have been creamed if we had gotten to the highway. That doesn't sound so bad, I like ice cream :). Mom wasn't impressed.
Anyway, mom took us back out on the trails and this time she used 2 clips, and a safety line in case we got loose again, I guess being lost on the trail really scared her. But I don't mind pulling her and I like having mom around so it's ok if the doesn't want to get lost again. Later, we all took a nap together.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
When Daemon came home with Brad at 43 lbs at 7 months, I was sure he was going to be HUGE...I had in my head a 75 lb Mini Mal-a-mutt! All Brawn and no Brains. Even though I know Sibes don't get over about 60-65lbs....and are always smarter than me.
D-man is no exception to the standard, Even though he is going to make a great Wheel Dog. y'see, we had D measured the other day. He's 23.5 inches tall at the shoulder, the top end of right where he should be. And he weighed 54lbs at the vet. In all he's "a good size dog" as the breeder would say, and not the huge monster dog I was afraid he'd be. Granted the AKC height and weight standard for sibes doesn't take into account that he is nearly 5 ft long from nose to tail base, and can stand up, put his paws on my shoulders and kiss my face.
D-man is no exception to the standard, Even though he is going to make a great Wheel Dog. y'see, we had D measured the other day. He's 23.5 inches tall at the shoulder, the top end of right where he should be. And he weighed 54lbs at the vet. In all he's "a good size dog" as the breeder would say, and not the huge monster dog I was afraid he'd be. Granted the AKC height and weight standard for sibes doesn't take into account that he is nearly 5 ft long from nose to tail base, and can stand up, put his paws on my shoulders and kiss my face.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
New Words
I learned'd new words today...Dad's been saying it to me for a few days and I finally got my lips and tongue around it today. Why Wooovve Woooo, Why Woove Wooooo, Why Wove you, I wove you. I love you!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How Rude!
So, Mom and Dad took us skiiing on Sunday morning and I was SO excited. We got fresh snow and clean air so it was supposed to be AWESOME. I recently had another growth spurt and so Dad has been debating on which harness to use on me and he choose the one that's a little too big for me. I don't like's not padded, it smells like labrador and it's pinchy and scratchy...whenever they use this harness on me I try to run away or I get very loud about having it on. Plus it's RED! Mom says I pout - how rude! Anyway, Mom and Dad packed us up and we rode up there. Well, once we got to Snow Basin, I could see TONS of friends to play with and run around with. But MOM had to go and get teh car stuck in a ditch so Loo and I had to wait in the car while they got towed out...How Rude! By this time I was itchin to get out of the car and get running, and when they let me out I was so excited I kept getting tied up in my pull line. Mom and Windy were ready to go (mom had both of us since dad is a beginner skier) and I was all backwards in my line. I was telling Windy Loo that she had better wait for me to get unstuck and that my harness sucked and that she was being to bossy! So what does Windy do - She GROWLED and me and took off running! I was facing mom for a couple hundred yards before I got untangled and could join in the run. She just took off running! Can you believe her! And Mom was laughing the WHOLE TIME! HOW RUDE! Anyway, once I got untagled and could run properly, I took off...and mom face planted in the snow! It was SO Funny!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My cousin Stitches came to visit us all weekend. She's a tuff little pitt bull that's about 14 weeks old. but she is FEARLESS! She's a tiny little thing (compared to me) at about 20lbs, but she was ready to PLAY!!! And we played and played and played and slept and played and played and ate and played. I don't get to play much cuz Windy Loo is such a stick in the mud and just likes to sleep most of the time. I can usually get her to play hop-on-pop for about a half hour in the mornings but thats about it - but once dad gets tired of it and puts us outside she goes back to bed in her kennel. She's so LAZY, but she's old so I guess that's what happens to older dogs. Well, Stitches just wanted to keep playing and so I did. Now that she went home yesterday...I've been sleeping and sleeping and sleeping.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
DUDE!!!! Mom and Dad got my FAVORITE treat the other day - and they didn't even know it! It's about the size of a bone and yellow and kinda squishy when you get it out of its shell. But Man O Man that squishy is SO yummy. I can smell them up on the counter and I KNOW when dad is trying to sneek one and not share (I can hear it being torn off the bunch you guys, I'm not deaf!) Anyway, as soon as I hear that rip, I am on point. I gotta have some, and if I dared jump up on the counter I'd steal the whole bunch. But that's not gonna happen, I get way more treats for doing my tricks and I'd not get any if I were a counter cruiser like Windy. OOOH but these treats make me bananas! I just love BANANAS!!!!
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